Wild MissingNos.

Wild MissingNo. 65nV7

Wild MissingNos. is an animation project inspired by the glitchy MissingNo. sprite from Pokémon. Combining generative art with pixel art animation, each Wild MissingNo. cycles through its unique static states with a different type of animation. The goal was to create 151 one-of-a-kind sprites, the last being an extra special release combining the best of the series into a single artwork. Wild MissingNos. were released throughout 2023 via the objkt.com NFT marketplace. WMNo. xx151 appeared on May 31, 2024, the 1 year annivesary of the first mint into the collection.

Field Guide


Wild MissingNos. were issued on the Tezos blockchain in limited editions of 15, 10, 5, 3, or 2 of each unique sprite. The supply of Wild MissingNos. was occasionally reduced through the burning of unsold editions.


Wild MissingNos. are grouped into batches by type. For example, the sprites in Batch 01 all cycle through their static states with scanline-type movements. However, Wild MissingNos. can have other traits (like a higher number of static states or a combination of types), and sprites with extra traits were issued in smaller editions. Later releases featured rare hybrid-type sprites.


Badges were awarded to collectors holding specific sets or quantities of Wild MissingNos. There are Collector Badges and Gym Badges, and holding one or more came with benefits, especially freebies from subsequent releases.

Collector Badges: Though grouped by type, every Wild MissingNo. sprite is unique. Collector Badges were awarded to those who collected a minimum number of different Wild MissingNos. regardless of type. The rarity of these badges is relative to the number of Wild MissingNos. required to earn them.

Gym Badges: Each type of Wild MissingNo. is represented by a gym, and every gym has an exclusive badge. Gym Badges were awarded to the first person to collect 6 different Wild MissingNos. of a specific type. There is only one badge per gym, and whoever holds it becames the Gym Leader, entitling them to rewards and exclusives related to their type.

Release Schedule

  • Batch 01 - Scanline: 2023-05-31
  • Batch 02 - Quadrant: 2023-06-08
  • Batch 03 - Ringlet: 2023-06-29
  • Batch 04 - Pulsar: 2023-07-06
  • Batch 05 - Erratic: 2023-07-27
  • Batch 06 - Meteor: 2023-08-03
  • Batch 07 - Scroll: 2023-08-24
  • Batch 08 - Random: 2023-08-31
  • Batch 09 - Mini: 2023-09-21
  • Batch 10 - Block: 2023-09-28
  • Batch 11 - Combo: 2023-10-19
  • Batch 12 - Color: 2023-10-26
  • Batch 13 - Mega: 2023-11-16
  • Batch 14 - Printer: 2023-11-23
  • Batch 15 - Collab: 2023-12-14
  • Special Release - WMNo. xx151: 2024-05-31


Click images below to download sprites in gif, mp4, or png format

Collector Badges

Trainer Badge
Edition of 20
Collect 6 WMNos.
Collector Badge
Edition of 5
Collect 20 WMNos.
Master Badge
Edition of 2
Collect 50 WMNos.
Game Warden
Edition of 1
Unlock WMNo. Reserve

Gym Badges

Scanline Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Scanlines
Quadrant Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Quadrants
Ringlet Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Ringlets
Pulsar Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Pulsars
Erratic Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Erratics
Meteor Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Meteors
Scroll Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Scrolls
Random Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Randoms
Mini Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Minis
Block Gym Badge
Edition of 1
Collect 6 Blocks


Click images below to download sprites in gif, mp4, or png format

Batch 01 - Scanline

Batch 02 - Quadrant

Batch 03 - Ringlet

Batch 04 - Pulsar

Batch 05 - Erratic

Batch 06 - Meteor

Batch 07 - Scroll

Batch 08 - Random

Batch 09 - Mini

Batch 10 - Block

Batch 11 - Combo

Batch 12 - Color

Batch 13 - Mega

Batch 14 - Printer

Batch 15 - Collab

Dan Kelly
Daniel W.

Special Release - WMNo. xx151